Meet the Curtis Homes Family!

Welcome to our Curtis Homes’ blog!  We (Cameron and Emily Curtis) have been building for ten years in the Columbia River Gorge and now in Bend, Oregon.  The history detailed out is on our About Us page, but for people who have followed our story for awhile or your just getting to know us here is a little about Curtis Homes.   The first bit about our company either of us would tell you is that we have the best team IN THE WORLD (yes, that was shouted).  From Julie and Danielle in the office, to Project Managers Thad Iremonger (in Hood River) and Jeremy Fields (in Bend), and Alonzo in the field, each of them works together to build families beautiful-stustanable homes.  Each home is built as if we were moving into it.   What we’d tell you next about our family business, is that taking care of our clients is so important to us.  We are relational. Our Curtis Homes’ team wants people to feel heard and seen,  home walk-throughs, good communication and a defined process are ways we do our best to take the unknowns out of building. 

Together as a family and work-family we build homes that will be a lasting legacy in the neighborhoods we build in. A legacy you can live in. 

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