Welcome to the Curtis Homes Subcontractor and Vendor page
It is the goal of the Curtis Homes Project Managers and Accounting Department to offer as much communication as possible! If you are not receiving the Vendor and Sub email in your inbox email Accounting.
Below are the forms Accounting needs before a Sub-Contractor or Vendor work on a Curtis Homes job site. Please submit forms by email to apbend@curtishomesllc.com
Working together to build beautiful homes is important to Curtis Homes — Thank you for your hard work!
The Payment Process for Job Site Invoices:
Invoices need to be turned in by the 25th of the month (details for holidays will be emailed)
Email Invoices:
Columbia Gorge projects:
Central Oregon projects:
Mail Invoices:
Curtis Homes LLC
62660 NW Skyline Ranch Rd.
Bend, OR 97703
*Mail early to ensure it is received by the 25th
Checks are mailed on the 10th unless communicated to Accounting that pick-up would be preferred. If picking up, checks will be ready after 3pm.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to accounting Office: 541-797-0536 or emailing apbend@curtishomesllc.com.